Talking about human rights violations is a heavy topic. How can we understand the plight of individuals thousands of miles away? How can we discuss the best policy action without first trying to consider what be the intended and unintended consequences of each policy? Every day we imagine. We imagine what the future holds for us, what terrors lie behind the curtain, and how much personal efficacy we can have in the greater scheme of things.
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Carriere, K.R. (2020). Workers rights' are human rights: Organizing the psychology of labor unions. Current Opinions in Psychology, 35, 60-64.
Carriere, K. R. (2018). Framing the issue: Literature, collective imagination, and fan activism. In C. de Saint Laurent, S. Obradović, & K. R. Carriere (Eds.). Imagining collective futures: Perspectives from Social, Cultural, and Political Psychology. Palgrave Macmillian.
C. de Saint Laurent, S. Obradović, & K. R. Carriere (Eds.). (2018). Imagining collective futures: Perspectives from Social, Cultural, and Political Psychology. Palgrave Macmillian.
Carriere, K. R. (under review). "We Are Book Eight": Framing the collective imagination through literary fan activism.
Carriere, K. R. (in press). A textual political imagination. In S. Brown, & L. Tateo (Eds.). The method of imagination. Information Age Publishing.