Fall 2024                     PSY 341: Advanced Research in Social Psychology

                                    PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology

                                    PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology


Spring 2024                 PSY 209: Social Psychology

                                    PSY 334: Psychology of Public Policy


Fall 2023                     PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology

                                    PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology

                                    PSY 209: Social Psychology

Spring 2023                 BIO 245: Applied Statistics in the Life Sciences

                                    PSY 494: Advanced Lab in Social Political Psychology

                                    PSY 315: Guided Research in Psychology

Fall 2022                     PSY 215: Experimental Psychology

                                    PSY 215L: Experimental Psychology Lab

                                    PSY 315: Guided Research in Psychology

                                    PSY 393: Psychology of Public Policy


Spring 2022                 PSY 495: Advanced Lab in Social & Political Psychology

                                    PSY 102: Introduction to Psychology II

                                    BIO 245: Applied Statistics for the Life Sciences

                                    PSY 315: Guided Research in Psychology


JayTerm 2022:            PSY 113-01: Coding for Beginners in R
           Due to staffing changes, no evaluations were able to be collected.


Fall 2021                     PSY 101-01: Introduction to Psychology I

                                    PSY 101-02: Introduction to Psychology I

                                    PSY 347-01: Psychology of Public Policy


Spring 2021                 PSY 102-01: Introduction to Psychology II

                                    PSY 102-02: Introduction to Psychology II

                                    PSY 347-01: Psychology of Human Rights


JayTerm 2021             PSY 217-01: Leveraging Data, Leading Change


Fall 2020                     PSY 101-03: Introduction to Psychology I

                                    PSY 101-05: Introduction to Psychology I

                                    PSY 101-06: Introduction to Psychology I